Sunday, March 15, 2009

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

The task these days is keeping myself motivated and still on track which is proving to be quite a challenge but at least, I am keeping on track.

I have recently put my hands on this book, a real winner, if you need motivation, this book will cover your needs and more. T. Harv Eker examines the roots of success and failure, the rich and the poor, those roots are situated in a place as deep as our own mind, there, in your thoughts is where your success starts. Do you see challenges in life as opportunities or as obstacles?, do you play in life to win, or are you the kind of person that is happy with “not to lose”? Do you think you are the author of your life or a victim? Do you create your life or life just happens to you?

Those are the kind of questions that differentiate a rich person from a poor. T. Harv Eker says: “Rich people make their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money” The book is full of small pearls of wisdom together with very personal advice to see you from where you are to where you want to be.
And…Who is T. Harv Eker? Well, the guy actually has certain authority to talk about millionaire mind; he took a $2.000 credit card loan and opened a fitness centre which he turned into a chain of 10 stores in 2 years and a half and ended up selling it for over $1.5 million.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is the book that will push you into action. If you have missed it I can really recommend it. You will not be able to stop reading until you get to the last page. Guaranteed!

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