Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dave Ramsey’s Total money makeover

I just decided to include a second review that might help some readers to give that important step and kick into action.

The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness is a step by step book that will guide you through the process of becoming debt free. The book offers a complete plan to get out of debt and achieve your financial goals. It includes useful worksheets, charts and graphs to follow the seven steps plan of this financial guru.

For those, that find their way hard and become discouraged, the book comes full of inspiring stories from people like you who either are on their way or have succeeded following Ramsey’s plan. If the label “financial book” turns you off, this book is the exception.

The book is easy to read, easy to understand, full of useful strategies and solid advice with a common sense approach. It is so encouraging that so many have already turned their lives around following Dave Ramsey’s advice.
Dave Ramsey (radio talk show host, bestselling author and exceptional financial guru) will give you the push that you need to get into action and accomplish your goals.

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